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Varroa 1. Varroa 2. Varroa 3.
Varroa Distructor
Varroa is believed to have been introduced into New Zealand in 2000 and has since become our biggest problem. Up untill recently the main method to control Varroa has been with chemicals but as with most of the rest of the world Varroa is becoming chemical resistant.

So how can we control Varroa? Many other methods are being used as part of a control method for Varroa. One of the most recent is a special breeding project to raise queens with a special trait to control Varroa called VSH ( Varroa Sensitive Hygene ). But even these new queens need to be combined with other treatments.

List of some other methods
Formic acid
Lactic acid
Oxalic acid
Sugar dusting

The use of any unaprooved chemicals is illegal in New Zealand

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