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Hive types
How to get started
Beekeeping equipment
Where to get supplies
Seasonal management
Things to watch for
Legal requirements

Clothing and tools

There are many sources of literature available, the biggest problem is seperating peoples' opinion from actual fact. If you are reading something that just doesn't seem right, it probably isn't. Also you could ask an experienced beekeeper from your local beekeeping club ( there is no substitute for experience ). Anyway, a good free source of information is your local library. Over the years a lot of books have been written on beekeeping. Try to read the most recent books you can find, modern beekeeping practices are changing often. Another good source of free material you can get is from another beekeeper, especially if you manage to aquire a mentor from your local club. Second hand books are a cheap alternative but are more difficult to come by. Trademe often has a few books on beekeeping, other than that you could try a second hand book store. You can buy new, up to date, beekeeping books from NBA and Ecroyds, other than that try your local book store.
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